Monday, May 01, 2006

Graduating. . .

Had my convocation yesterday....

Class of 2005 Humanities wore their ghosts on their chests and grabbed those scrolls with pride.

Back on (un)familiar grounds a year later to grab onto the last few traces of being a college go-er.

Nothing had changed. we were still in all white 'monday' uniforms.
Same teachers hugging and planting lipsticks on cheeks, whose sarees we took abode in three years ago.
Reunion. . . .Same friends.....same. some with the sparkiling reds running in their hairline, some fingers sparkling with earthy sparkle, others with sparkling crowns in their hair. some in corporate ties, some just the same a they'd always been.

some with fat circling around the waist, some three inches below the collar bone....
some laughter still running around the corridor, some with same laughter tugged on the shoulder in a reflective index....

some still talk of reaching the stars and how college was so boring....
some miss the years gone by and hope for merrier times still....
The prank on the principal, the rebellious strike, the crazy winter afternoon naps on the green, the hidden conversations on the illegal cellphones.....................

chit chat, coffee, fruit chatm, pictures,swings, trees
some faces all i see in me, still wanting more and grabbing onto the old....

Today back home with Graphic Arts in hand for the big test day after. The new polished gold medals merit have already found their place on the pin-up board, the trophy on the desk and the MERIT Sashay already tucked in the cupboard and the degree........ forgotten already in the document corner.......

Sounds of music meshing. One day gently pushes you into the next. ..

Time brutally cut short for unimportant things such as a job, a career, a life!!
Life is here.
Right now.
In Yellow and Black..


Anonymous said...

congratulations !!

All the effort boils down to this day, eh?

Anonymous said...


AG said...

Congrats girl! :-) Looking good in ur convo outfit!!!

Anonymous said...


Its not just your degree, its all the experiences and fond memories of three years rolled into a piece of paper....

May the ground you stood on for the pretty pictures hold a tombstone reading 'Sharin was Here' years later..

Champagne Wishes n Caviar Dreams


Zedekiah said...

hehehe...............Thaks boys!!!

y'all read my mind....
yes i was there......

I rock.....


ok! I gotta stop getting so slef possessed