Thursday, July 10, 2008

Notes to Self-II

My room has stars. The last moments when sleep takes over and darkness sets in, they whisper the last goodnight. Their florescence make me smile each night and I ponder somenights gazing endlessly into the fligree cups running amuck in the window of my already dreaming mind. I haven't even slept yet and the weaving has started. I imagine small elves sprinkling glittery sleep dust just like in the children's book that said so on New Year's first night. I recede and let the twinkle settle in. I sleep. I feel the stars looking down at me through the eyelids. I feel safe. I still hold wonder in my heart.


Bharti Bedi said...


humbl devil said...

watched the movie...stardust???

mindbodysoul said...

To get this posting sent to an elite group of 1250 registered members each day, consider competing (by submitting) for the top voted spot at - good luck !

Zedekiah said...

Thanks Island girl...And humble devil, stradust of course is a favourite :-)